i'm a lover, not a hater...

"Lord, grant that I might not so much seek to be loved as to love."
-St. Francis of Assisi

"To love another person is to see the face of God."
-Les Miserables

"Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for a friend."

Love. Love. Love.....


My conversations with God lately...
Bre:"Jesus, wreck my life. Wreck my life completely for you. Tear me down, and build me up."
God: "Are you sure?"
Bre: "Yes, wreck my life. It's yours Lord!"
God: "But are you really sure?..."
Bre: "I think so... "
God: "Alright..."
Bre: "I just want to be where you are Lord."
God: "I love you my daughter, but be sure of what you are asking, I do not take these committments lightly."
Bre: "I am sure, I am scared Lord, I will probably let you down. But Lord, I want to be where you are!"
God: "My heart is among the impoverished, the diseased, the outcasts, and the displaced. Will you go there?"
Bre: "If it is your will Lord send me. This will not be an easy life, will it Lord?"
God: "No, but it is a better life. The best life."

enough is enough.

seriously. i am so fed up with the state of this region, this country, and this world.

Rwanda the 1994 genocides: 800,000 murdered

Uganda in The past 20 years: 150,000 murdered and counting...

Sudan the Darfur Massacres & genocide (last count in 2006): at least 500,000 murdered and counting...

Europe (the Holocaust): 11 million people murdered

Why do we stand for these things?!? We have, and continue to sit back and watch theses events unfold. See, it's not that we ignore them, but that we are apathetic towards them. We say, "My God, how horrific!", then we continue with our day, our class, our dinner, we change the channel. We know these atrocities occur, and we continue to ignore them!

I do not not understand how we, as Christians, ...for goodness sakes, as fellow human beings, can see these things and not act immediatly! How do our hearts not burst at the injustice!?! How do we justify these events in our minds, in our hearts, in our souls?!?

What is Faith without action? If this apathy and ignorance is what "Christianity" has become, then I want no part in it. You may call me a follower of Christ, and I will chase passionatly after him, and I surrender my life to his will, but I will not partake in this apathy any longer. I am done with it. I am done with our ridiculous excuses for ignorance. I am done. I will not stand for this any longer. I will not tolerate my own, or anyone elses excuses for living a life half committed to my creator. I will not be a participant in this stagnant faith.

My faith will be real. My faith will be honest. My faith will be hard. It will not come easily. My faith may cost me comforts, social acceptance, a safe home, and even my life.

But I WILL have a REAL faith.

I will not be ignorant.

I will not be apathetic.

I will not allow you to make following Jesus a fad or a comforting dream.

Following Jesus is not comfortable. It is not easy. It is not about this life. It has a price. The price of your entire life.


enough is enough.

take a stand.

enough is enough.